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NEAR Lake Primitive Types

This article contains the primitive types used by the NEAR Lake Framework package. These types are used to define the data structures used by the framework as well as provide some popular helper functions.


Important Notes on Block
  • All the entities located on different shards were merged into one single list without differentiation.
  • Block is not the fairest name for this structure either. NEAR Protocol is a sharded blockchain, so its block is actually an ephemeral structure that represents a collection of real blocks called chunks in NEAR Protocol.

Block Structure Definition

The Block type is used to represent a block in the NEAR Lake Framework. It is comprised by the following structure:

export class Block {
readonly streamerMessage: StreamerMessage,
private executedReceipts: Receipt[],
readonly postponedReceipts: Receipt[],
readonly transactions: Transaction[],
private _actions: Map<string, Action>,
private _events: Map<string, Event[]>,
private _stateChanges: StateChange[]) {

... // helper methods and getters omitted for brevity


Low-level structure for backward compatibility. As implemented in previous versions of near-lake-framework.


Receipts included on the chain but not executed yet marked as “postponed”: they are represented by the same structure Receipt (see the corresponding section in this doc for more details).


List of included Transactions, converted into Receipts.

Heads up!

Note: You might want to know about Transactions to know where the action chain has begun. Unlike Ethereum, where a Transaction contains everything you may want to know about a particular interaction on the Ethereum blockchain, Near Protocol because of its asynchronous nature converts a Transaction into a Receipt before executing it. Thus, On NEAR, Receipts are more important for figuring out what happened on-chain as a result of a Transaction signed by a user. Read more about Transactions on Near here.

Block Helper Methods

export class Block {
... // constructor omitted for brevity
get blockHash(): string {}
get prevBlockHash(): string {}
get blockHeight(): number {}

header(): BlockHeader {}
receipts(): Receipt[] {}
actions(): Action[] {}
events(): Event[] {}
stateChanges(): StateChange[] {}

actionByReceiptId(receipt_id: string): Action | undefined {}
eventsByReceiptId(receipt_id: string): Event[] {}
eventsByAccountId(account_id: string): Event[] {}

private buildActionsHashmap() {}
private buildEventsHashmap(): Map<string, Event[]> {}

static fromStreamerMessage(streamerMessage: StreamerMessage): Block {}


Returns the block hash. A shortcut to get the data from the block header.


Returns the previous block hash. A shortcut to get the data from the block header.


Returns the block height. A shortcut to get the data from the block header.

header(): BlockHeader

Returns a BlockHeader structure of the block

See BlockHeader structure sections for details.

receipts(): Receipt[]

Returns a slice of Receipts executed in the block.

Basically is a getter for the executedReceipts field.

actions(): Action[]

Returns an Array of Actions executed in the block.

events(): Event[]

Returns Events emitted in the block.

stateChanges(): StateChange[]

Returns an Array of StateChange occurred in the block.

actionByReceiptId(receipt_id: string): Action | undefined

Returns Actions of the provided receipt_id from the block if any. Returns undefined if there is no corresponding Action.

This method uses the internal Block action field which is empty by default and will be filled with the block’s actions on the first call to optimize memory usage.

The result is either Action | undefined since there might be a request for an Action by receipt_id from another block, in which case this method will be unable to find the Action in the current block. In the other case, the request might be for an Action for a receipt_id that belongs to a DataReceipt where an action does not exist.

eventsByReceiptId(receipt_id: string): Event[]

Returns an Array of Events emitted by ExecutionOutcome for the given receipt_id. There might be more than one Event for the Receipt or there might be none of them. In the latter case, this method returns an empty Array.

eventsByAccountId(account_id: string): Event[]

Returns an Array of Events emitted by ExecutionOutcome for the given account_id. There might be more than one Event for the Receipt or there might be none of them. In the latter case, this method returns an empty Array.


Replacement for BlockHeaderView from near-primitives. Shrunken and simplified.


The original BlockHeaderView is still accessible via the .streamerMessage attribute.

BlockHeader Structure Definition

export class BlockHeader {
readonly height: number,
readonly hash: string,
readonly prevHash: string,
readonly author: string,
readonly timestampNanosec: string,
readonly epochId: string,
readonly nextEpochId: string,
readonly gasPrice: string,
readonly totalSupply: string,
readonly latestProtocolVersion: number,
readonly randomValue: string,
readonly chunksIncluded: number,
readonly validatorProposals: ValidatorStakeView[]) {
... // helper method omitted for brevity


This field is a simplified representation of the ReceiptView structure from near-primitives.

Receipt Structure Definition

export class Receipt implements Events {
readonly receiptKind: ReceiptKind,
readonly receiptId: string,
readonly receiverId: string,
readonly predecessorId: string,
readonly status: ExecutionStatus,
readonly executionOutcomeId?: string | undefined,
readonly logs: string[] = []) {
... // helper methods omitted for brevity

Receipt Fields


Defined the type of the Receipt: Action or Data representing the ActionReceipt and DataReceipt.


The ID of the Receipt of the CryptoHash type.


The receiver account id of the Receipt.


The predecessor account id of the Receipt.


Represents the status of ExecutionOutcome of the Receipt.

See the ExecutionStatus enum section for the details.


The id of the ExecutionOutcome for the Receipt. Returns null if the Receipt isn’t executed yet and has a postponed status.


The original logs of the corresponding ExecutionOutcome of the Receipt.

Note: not all of the logs might be parsed as JSON Events (Events).

Receipt Helper Methods

export class Receipt {
... // constructor omitted for brevity
get events(): Event[] {}

static fromOutcomeWithReceipt(outcomeWithReceipt: OutcomeWithReceipt): Receipt {}
} Events[]

Returns an Array of Events for the Receipt, if any. This might be empty if the logs field is empty or doesn’t contain JSON Events compatible log records.


This structure is an ephemeral entity to provide access to the Events Standard structure and keep data about the related Receipt for convenience.

Interface for Capturing Data About an Event in handleStreamerMessage()

The interface to capture data about an event has the following arguments:

  • standard: name of standard, e.g. nep171
  • version: e.g. 1.0.0
  • event: type of the event, e.g. nft_mint
  • data: associate event data. Strictly typed for each set {standard, version, event} inside corresponding NEP

Event Structure Definition

export class Event {
readonly relatedReceiptId: string,
readonly rawEvent: RawEvent) {
... // helper methods omitted for brevity

Event Methods

export class Event {
... // constructor omitted for brevity
static fromLog(log: string): Event {}


A representation of the IndexerTransactionWithOutcome from near-indexer-primitives which is an ephemeral structure combining SignedTransactionView from near-primitives and IndexerExecutionOutcomeWithOptionalReceipt from near-indexer-primitives.

This structure is very similar to Receipt. Unlike Receipt, a Transaction has a few additional fields like signerId, signature, and operations.

Transaction Structure Definition

export class Transaction {
readonly transactionHash: string,
readonly signerId: string,
readonly signerPublicKey: string,
readonly signature: string,
readonly receiverId: string,
readonly status: ExecutionStatus,
readonly executionOutcomeId: string,
readonly operations: Operation[]) {


Returns the hash of the Transaction in CryptoHash.


Returns the signer account id of the Transaction.


Returns the PublicKey of the signer of the Transaction.


Returns the Signature the Transaction was signed with.


Returns the receiver account id of the Transaction.


Returns the status of the Transaction as ExecutionStatus.


Returns the id of the ExecutionOutcome for the Transaction.


Returns an Array of Operation for the Transaction.


This structure is almost an identical copy of the StateChangeWithCauseView from near-primitives with a propagated additional field affectedAccountId.

StateChange Structure Definition

export class StateChange {
readonly cause: StateChangeCause,
readonly value: StateChangeValue
) {}

get affectedAccountId(): string {}

static fromStateChangeView(stateChangeView: StateChangeWithCauseView) {}


Returns the cause of the StateChange.


Returns the value of the StateChange.

StateChange.affectedAccountId(): string

Returns the account id of the StateChange.

StateChange.fromStateChangeView(stateChangeView: StateChangeWithCauseView): StateChange

Returns the StateChange from the StateChangeWithCauseView. Created for backward compatibility.

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